Thursday, July 23, 2009

Chaos Living - from the Swarmite

I love this post. I'm the child of an alcoholic, but I've never had problems with addiction. But the more I read about addict behavior, the more I see myself in the descriptions. Even though I never got into any substances on a prolonged basis, I have all the emotional characteristics of addicts. I completely relate to this post about living chaotically. When I moved into my first apartment in college, my roommates must have thought I was crazy. I didn't unpack for months, I collected glasses from the kitchen in my room, left my stuff everywhere. I literally didn't know how to take care of myself. It still crops up and the key, as the Swarmite says, is confronting it. So true. So hard to do. But it feels so good when you do. Check it out: Chaos Living


  1. Many thanx for the Blog BIG UP ( i found you on Blog stats ) - together we can carry a message .

  2. My pleasure :) I'm surprised how hard it is to find quality blogs on the subject, so I was happy to find yours.
