Thursday, November 26, 2009

Today I'm grateful for

- a mild autumn so far
- the realization that I'd be happier if I cooked less
- understanding what it means to take care of myself
- the Indian and sushi places that deliver to my apartment
- recovery and that I can spend time with my family and not go crazy
- that recovery has taught me to have boundaries
- that my dad is alive
- that I am alive
- being able to recognize the different and rewarding relationships I have with people
- a job
- my own apartment (the couch will come when it's ready)
- a president who doesn't make me want to throw things at the tv when he speaks
- a community (Brooklyn) that is conscious and progressive
- the subway
- indoor plumbing
- computers
- Hulu
- writing
- the opportunity to learn about myself and who I am - some people never get it or they don't take it
- the trip I'm taking to Australia to spend Christmas and New Year's somewhere warm
- being single
- cheese
- my friends and the fun things we do like flea markets and brunches and just hanging out doing nothing together and cracking up
- love in life and in me and for me
- chocolate
- trashy books that are fun to read on the subway
- the journey and that I have accepted the challenge to be on it even though it can be scary and painful and so difficult that sometimes it seems like I won't make it through this path in life that forces us to examine ourselves and deal with the past... I am on this train and will hang on for dear life to wherever it takes me

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